Content Marketing for Estate Agents: How to use content marketing to grow your property business 

Content marketing is key to building relationships with your potential customers and this is particularly true in the property industry. Read our blog to learn more about utilising content marketing for your business.

If you have an estate agency or property business, content marketing is one of the best digital marketing strategies you can use to grow your audience and your business. In fact, research shows that 73% of B2B marketers and 70% of B2C marketers utilise content marketing as part of their marketing strategy. 

So, if you’re an estate agent, a good content marketing campaign can help you to meet home buyers and landlords online with the information they need to choose yours as their estate agency. The property sector is full of competition too so you’ll really need to stand out in the market to make sure customers find you and not your competitors. 

A content marketing strategy is about providing regular, high-quality content to your audience for free. This allows you to grow your reputation locally, showcase your work and consistently drive leads into your sales funnel. 

In this blog, we’ll take a deeper dive into why content marketing is important in estate agency and how it can help you grow your business. 

Why is content marketing important for estate agents? 

The two biggest benefits of content marketing for estate agents is that it’s great for building brand awareness and driving leads for your business. 

The key goal of content marketing is to inform your existing and prospective customers. It about much more than just promoting your property listings. For your content marketing strategy to be effective, you need to focus on creating and sharing content that’s going to be useful and helpful to your clients, no matter whether or not they’re planning to buy or sell a property any time soon. 

The property market is always changing which means buyers and sellers are always on the lookout for up to date insights on the best times to buy or sell, the types of property they need invest in and current trends. 

This provides you with a great opportunity to become a thought leader in your local area. Research from Hubspot shows that 93% of estate agent marketers have some degree of success with content marketing. 


Offering buyers, sellers and commercial clients with expert content that is related to your local property market and local areas can really help you to stand out from the competition. 

Top 5 types of content for an estate agency content marketing plan 

Here are some of the best types of content to utilise for estate agency. 

1. Blogs 

You can host a blog on your website and use it to provide up-to-date, relevant and useful content to your target audience, no matter which stage of the customer journey they’re in. 

And don’t be afraid to make your content personal either. These are people who are buying a home with you which is a really emotional decision, so building trust with your target customers is essential if you want them to use you when they’re ready to buy or sell. 

For example, this guide from Barratt Homes provides expert advice on getting finances in order when you’re buying a home. 

2. Videos 

Video is a good content form for property and estate agencies because it allows you to showcase the properties you have available on your website. 

You can then use these videos on your social media channels to show potential customers your properties. 

Videos can also be used to share expert knowledge and experience to show you really know what you’re talking about and shows that you know what’s important to your potential customers. 

3. Newsletters

Newsletters are a form of email marketing as well as content marketing and can help you to build an engaged audience of people who want to hear from you and who may use your services in the future. 

Use this as an opportunity to share your latest blog posts, videos and photos with your audience. You could even segment your list so that you can send personalised content to each person who has subscribed to your newsletter. If you have someone who previously showed an interest in three bed properties in a particular area, you could send them an email with information on new properties that come onto the market or guides to that area. 

4. Ebooks 

Ebooks are longer form content, but they can be great lead generation tools and a way to gather contact details from potential customers. 

Choose a topic that’s likely to be of interest to your target audience. This could be directed at buyers, sellers or property investors and provide detailed information on a particular topic that’s likely to help them in their customer journey. 

A good example would be a guide to selling your home. Provide step-by-step details and images to make the content as engaging as possible. 

5. Infographics

Infographics are a more visual type of content and are great for both your website and social media. Use these to get information across quickly and easily. This could be something such as a checklist for moving house or top home improvements to add value to your home. 

How to use content to generate leads for your estate agency 

Content marketing won’t provide you with instant results for your business but it’s a great way to make sure you’re found when they’re searching online and engage with them until they’re ready to buy or sell a property with you. Content marketing is an essential part of your SEO strategy too so it’s important to make sure you have the capacity to work on both. 

Buying or selling a property is a long process so the customer journey is likely to involve a number of touchpoints - content helps you to make sure your business is there at all touchpoints and provides them with the information they need to make a decision. 

In addition, by offering advice and content for free, you’re offering extra value to your customers and helping to build ongoing relationships with them.

Research your topic 

If you’re an estate agent, it’s likely that you focus on one or multiple areas. Look at the topics people are searching around or would want to know for those areas and produce optimised content around them. 

Not only does this show your target audience that you’re aligned with their needs and what they want from a property sale or purchase, but it also helps to show Google that you’re an authority in your niche, which can help improve your site’s rankings. 

Distribute content 

Producing high-quality content is great, but you also need to have a plan for how you will distribute it so that the right people see it.

When you’re creating your content plan, decide on which channels you’re going to use to promote and which channels suit each piece of content best: 

  • Owned channels: blog, email database, social media posts
  • Earned and shared third party channels: blogs or news websites that belong to others 
  • Paid advertising: social media, PPC 

The channels you choose will depend on the audience you’re trying to target, the channels they prefer to interact with and the resources you have to create and push the content out. 

Know your audience 

This is key to making sure you create the right content and create content that resonates with your target audience. 

When you create content, you need to know who you’re talking to, what they want to get out of it and the action you want them to take otherwise, it’s impossible to create effective content. 

Create 2 to 4 customer personas and think about what their pain points are when they’re buying or selling a property. Does this differ across the different areas you cover? Think about whether you need to create a variety of content formats to cover this. 

Show that you’re an expert in your industry and area 

Having a website with photos, videos and details of every property on your books is great, but is there any other value you can provide for your potential and existing customers? 

If you want people to use your services, you need them to see you as a property expert. Would you buy a property from someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing? Neither will your customers! 

You can use the techniques we’ve discussed above to set yourself as an expert with expert blogs, ebooks, videos and by sharing these across channels such as social media and third party websites. 

Key takeaways 

Content marketing is a highly effective strategy that can help you to showcase your expertise, make sure your brand is found when potential customers are searching and provide you with the tools you need to keep potential customers engaged until they’re ready to use your services. It will also help you keep customers who have already converted engaged so that they might return in the future. 

If you’d like to know more about content for estate agents and how it could help you to grow your estate agency or property business, please contact us at

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Blog written by

Kezia Humphries
Content Executive