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How to create a landing page for Facebook ads

How to create a landing page for Facebook ads

Designing a high-performing Facebook landing page can be tricky - follow Logica Digital’s guide to creating an effective landing page in 5 simple steps. 

If you’re thinking about running a Facebook ads campaign, you might be put off by the thought of having to create a dedicated landing page. However, it’s essential you take the time to create a Facebook landing page. Designing an effective landing page is almost as important as designing the ad itself - the Facebook ad is what gets people to click, but the landing page is what will encourage users to actually convert. 

This blog will walk you through creating the best landing page for Facebook ads in 5 simple steps. Plus, we’ll cover what a landing page is, why they’re important, and the rules for Facebook landing pages.

What are Facebook landing pages?

A Facebook landing page is a standalone page that users will be directed to when they click on your ad. Your landing page should focus on the product or service that you’re promoting in your Facebook ad. 

Landing pages don’t typically have menus or links to irrelevant pages to help minimise distractions. They mirror the language used in the ad and should feel to users like a continuation of the Facebook ad. 

Creating a dedicated landing page is a much better option than just directing users to an existing page, like your homepage. Your home page will likely contain too much information and won’t focus on the same offer as your ad.

Why are landing pages important?

Carefully designed landing pages can be a powerful tool to convert users. In fact, the average landing page conversion rate is 9.7%

If your Facebook ad campaign has a high click-through rate but a low conversion rate, the landing page might be the problem. A weak or irrelevant landing page means that users are likely to drop off, which wastes your ad budget. That’s why creating a relevant, well-written landing page explaining your product or service's unique features and benefits is crucial for running a successful Facebook ads campaign.

How to create a Facebook landing page in 5 steps

Creating a dedicated landing page for each campaign might sound daunting, but the process becomes much more manageable once you know how. 

Here are the 5 steps you need to follow to create a successful Facebook landing page. 

1. Add a new page to your site 

The first step is to create a new page on your website. You can do this using WordPress, Wix, Shopify, or any other website builder tool you usually use. You can also use a dedicated landing page builder, like Unbounce

When creating the landing page, you’ll need it to be visible once you publish it. However, it shouldn’t be linked to the navigation menu as users don’t need to find them themselves (they’ll be directed to it automatically when they click on the ad). 

2. Write compelling copy

The next, and perhaps most important, step will be creating your landing page copy. You should create copy focused on your target audience and the offer made in your ad. If you’re running multiple campaigns or have ads focused on different audiences or offers, you should ideally create a landing page for each ad or campaign. 

Each landing page should be focused on a specific audience, offer and Unique Selling Proposition (USP), which aligns with the Facebook ad. 

They should also include:

  • An attention-grabbing headline 
  • Clear benefits and features 
  • Your audience’s pain points, problems or objections 
  • Your product or service positioned as the solution
  • Social proof
  • A strong call to action (CTA) 

You’ll also want to add images to your landing page, such as images showing the benefits or features of your product/service. Try to avoid stock photos if possible. 

3. Link to other pages on your site

Although it’s important not to include loads of links as you don’t want to overwhelm visitors, you should still include links to key pages. For example, you might include links to a ‘Contact Us’ page or an ‘About Us’ section. This allows users not ready to purchase immediately to learn more about your business or get in touch if they have questions. 

4. Proofread, edit and publish

Before you publish your landing page, it’s essential that you check it for spelling or grammatical errors and to ensure that it lines up with your Facebook ad. It’s a good idea to preview the page so you can see it as it will appear and check the formatting. When you’re happy, it’s time to publish it and link it to your Facebook ad.

For advice on setting up a Facebook ad campaign, check out our blog, ‘How to advertise on Facebook (and why you should)’.

5. Split-test your Facebook landing page 

You should split-test your landing pages like you would split-test your campaigns. Creating multiple versions of a landing page for each campaign and setting up multiple ads within an ad set with different landing pages means you can see which landing pages perform the best. 

You can also use a tool, like AdEspresso or Unbounce, to split-test your landing pages. They’ll let you automatically split-test your landing pages without setting up different ads. 

Split testing is a key element of creating an effective landing page. You can use testing to determine the best layout, format, headline, copy, image, colour scheme, CTA, etc. Even tiny changes, such as the colour of the CTA button, can increase conversions, so it’s always worth split testing. 

What are the rules for Facebook landing pages?

Facebook has specific landing page policies. Here are the most important rules you’ll need to follow:

  • Your landing page should match your ad. Your ad's offer should be identical to the offer on your landing page; otherwise, your ad could be rejected. 
  • It should be a fully functional page. Your ad could be shut down if your landing page doesn’t load correctly. 
  • It can’t automatically download anything. You’ll need to offer a second CTA on the landing page where they can download the item.
  • There can’t be any ads blocking the landing page users must click through.
  • Your landing page should follow Facebook advertising policies. This is especially the case if there are restrictions around your industry. 

Key takeaways

Hopefully, the process of creating an effective landing page for your Facebook ads seems a little less complicated. Taking the time to design and test your landing pages can have a massive impact on your campaign conversion rates and help you maximise your budget. 

However, if you don’t have the time, skillset, or tools needed to design unique landing pages (not to mention split testing them), you might feel a bit stuck. That’s where we come in…

Logica Digital has over 15 years of experience implementing and managing paid social campaigns. Our expert team can create and test high-performing Facebook ads and dedicated landing pages to ensure you get the most out of your budget. Once set up, we’ll continually monitor your campaign, testing ads and landing pages and making tweaks to ensure you get the best possible results!

We offer a  free marketing audit to help you get started. We’ll look at the current performance of your Facebook ad campaigns (if you’re running any) and the rest of your marketing channels. Then, we’ll chat with you about what we’ve learned and suggest some steps you can take to improve your digital marketing efforts. 

Get in touch with us to learn more about our services or if you need our help creating high-converting landing pages. 

Blog written by

Mark Skinner

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