How to test your PPC ads and get more from your budget 

If you're not getting the results you want from your PPC ads, it might be time to start testing your campaigns so you can optimise them in the future. Read our blog to find out more.

Pay per click (PPC), also known as paid search, can be a powerful tool for driving traffic, generating leads, and increasing sales. It will help you to ensure that your business is found in the search engines when potential customers are searching online for your products or services. However, achieving the best results for your business requires more than just setting up a campaign and letting it run. 

If you’re not getting the results you want from your PPC ads, it might be time to test and optimise your campaigns. 

In this blog, we’ll guide you through the process of testing your PPC ads to maximise your budget and improve performance. 

Understanding PPC Ad testing 

PPC ad testing involves experimenting with different elements of your ads to determine what works best for your target audience. By systematically testing and analysing these elements, you can enhance ad performance and achieve a better return on investment (ROI). 

The benefits of PPC ad testing include improved click-through rates (CTR), higher conversion rates and lower cost per acquisition (CPA). 

Setting clear goals for your PPC campaigns 

Before you start testing anything, it’s crucial to define clear, measurable goals for your PPC campaigns. These goals could include increasing CTR, reducing CPA, or boosting overall conversion rates. Clear goals provide a benchmark against which you can measure the success of your tests and ensure your efforts are aligned with your business goals. 

Identifying key elements to test in PPC Ads 

To effectively test your PPC ads, focus on the following key elements: 

  • Ad Copy: Test ad copy and experiment with different headlines, descriptions and calls to action. See which combinations resonate most with your audience. 
  • Ad Formats: Test various ad formats, such as text ads, display ads, and responsive ads, to determine which performs best for your business. 
  • Targeting Options: Adjust audience segments, demographics, and geographic locations to find the most effective targeting strategy. 
  • Bidding Strategies: Compare manual bidding with automated bidding and test different bid types (CPC, CPA, CPM) to optimise your spend. 
  • Landing Pages: Evaluate the relevance, loading speed, and user experience of your landing pages. Ensure they align with your ad content and offer a seamless user experience. 

Create a testing plan 

A structured testing plan is essential for systematic PPC ad testing. Prioritise tests based on their potential impact and ease of implementation. Establish a timeline for running tests and analysing results. This approach ensures you stay organised and focused on the most critical aspects of your campaigns. 

Conduct A/B tests

A/B testing, also known as split testing, involves comparing two variations of an ad to see which one performs better. To conduct effective A/B tests for PPC ads, follow these steps: 

  1. Choose a variable: Select a single element to test, such as the headline or the call to action. 
  2. Create variations: Develop two versions of your ad, each with a different variation of the selected element. 
  3. Run the test: Launch both the ad variations simultaneously to a similar audience. 
  4. Analyse results: Compare the performance of each variation using key metrics such as CTR and conversion rate. 
  5. Implement the top performer: Use the best variation as your new control and continue testing other elements. 

Analyse test results 

To make informed decisions, analyse the results of your tests using key performance indicators (KPIs) such as CTR, conversion rate, and CPA. Ensure your findings are statistically significant to avoid making changes based on random fluctuations. Use these insights to identify winning variations and inform future tests. 

Implement changes based on test findings 

Once you’ve identified successful elements through testing, integrate them into your PPC campaigns. Continuously iterate and test new variations to keep improving performance. Avoid common pitfalls by ensuring that changes are based on solid data and not just initial impressions. 

📚For more information on PPC mistakes to avoid, read our blog: 9 common PPC mistakes and how to avoid them. 

PPC budget management when testing

Effective budget management is crucial for PPC testing. Allocate a portion of your budget specifically for testing purposes. Balance your spending between testing new ideas and maintaining proven campaigns. Adjust your budget based on the performance insights you gain from testing. 

💰If you need more advice on setting a budget for your campaigns, have a look at our blog: How to calculate PPC budget (and work out your ROI!)

Tools and resources for PPC ad testing 

There are a number of tools available to help you set up and manage PPC tests. For example, Google Ads Experiments allows you to run A/B tests within your Google Ads account. Other A/B testing platforms can provide additional insights and functionality. Additionally, numerous online resources offer guidance on PPC testing and optimisation strategies. 

Key takeaways 

Testing your PPC ads is essential for maximising your budget and improving campaign performance. By setting clear goals, identifying key elements to tests, and systematically analysing results, you can optimise your PPC strategy and achieve better ROI. Implement a structured testing plan, leverage advanced tools and continuously iterate to keep campaigns effective and cost-efficient. 

Want to take your PPC advertising to the next level? Contact us today for a free PPC audit or strategy session. Let us help you develop a tailored PPC testing strategy that delivers results and maximises your ad spend. 

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Blog written by

Mark Skinner