Understanding the e-commerce digital marketing funnel to drive results for your business

Your e-commerce customers follow a journey from research to making a purchase from you - understanding this journey is key to a successful digital marketing strategy. Read our blog to find out more about the strategies that can help you get in front of the right people at the right time.

From conducting a search on a search engine to pressing the buy button and beyond, your e-commerce customers follow a journey to buying from you. The way your ads are run, how your landing pages are constructed, and how easy your website is to use will all impact whether or not visitors to your website will turn into customers. 

Here’s how to understand the e-commerce digital marketing funnel and how to optimise it to your advantage.

What is the e-commerce digital marketing funnel? 

The funnel provides a way to describe and map your e-commerce customer’s journey to purchase. It shows how potential customers move from awareness to making a decision until they’re ready to click the buy button and check out. 

Remember that not every person who visits your website will convert which is why we use a funnel shape. The top of the funnel represents the total number of site visitors. The funnel narrows towards the button, where only a percentage of website visitors become paying customers. 

It looks a little something like this…

Understanding how your customers move from awareness to conversion is essential because it helps you target your marketing activities at different stages. You can have different messages for customers at each stage, providing them with the information they need to help guide them towards a purchase decision. 

Your goal is to encourage as many visitors as possible to convert. 

Stages of the digital marketing funnel for your e-commerce business

Top of the funnel (Reach or Awareness) 

At this point, visitors are looking at what’s on offer. They might not fully understand their needs or goals yet, so they’re searching around and probably visiting a range of sites. 

Optimising the top of the funnel is all about attracting people to your website. Your job is to ensure that your brand is present when they’re searching or browsing online. 

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and paid search 

It is crucial to ensure that your website is visible in the search engine results pages when potential customers search for keywords related to your business if you want to drive traffic to your website. 

Ensuring you’re appearing for relevant searches will ensure the people who visit your website are high-quality leads and people who are likely to buy from you at some point in the future. 

Social media advertising

Running ads on channels such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube can help to target audiences who are likely to buy from you. 

Content marketing 

Content marketing is a great way to establish brand awareness, boost your SEO strategy, and drive traffic to your website. Use content such as blogs, opinion pieces, and videos to provide an overview of your brand, products, and the problems you can solve. 

Middle of the funnel (Act) 

Once your customers are aware of your brand and products, you need to keep their attention and convince them that your products are their best option. 

Optimise your website’s user experience (UX) 

Your website must be easy to use to drive as many conversions as possible. Make sure the journey from landing on your website to finding information and making a purchase runs as smoothly as possible. 

Content marketing 

You’ve used content to drive awareness of your business, but you can use it again here to showcase the features and benefits of your products. Images, videos, infographics and blog posts are a great way to help potential customers understand your products and encourage them to make a purchase. 

Social proof 

Reviews and buyer’s guides provide potential customers with the additional information they need to understand whether your brand is the right choice for them. 

Plus, offering this content will help to position your brand as authoritative and trustworthy. 

Live chat 

Use live chat on product pages to allow visitors to ask any questions they may have. If you can answer their questions quickly and competitors can’t, you increase the chances of your visitors converting. 

Bottom of the funnel (Convert) 

You’ve now developed awareness and a relationship with your potential customers so it’s time to help them convert. 

Now, it’s all about preventing barriers to conversion and making it as easy as possible for your visitors to make a purchase.

Remarketing campaigns 

You can utilise remarketing with your paid ads on both Google and on social media channels. When someone has already interacted with your brand, you can show ads to them as they browse online to either remind them of your brand or the products that they might have already looked at. 

Email marketing 

If you gather your website visitors' contact details either through newsletter sign-ups or if they’re already customers, you can use email marketing to reengage with them. Set up abandoned cart emails to remind them they’ve left your site without making a purchase. 

The final stage (Engage) 

Once a website visitor has bought from you, they become a customer. But, it’s much easier and cost-effective to keep an existing customer coming back for more than it is to continually drive customers into the top of the funnel. 

Keep them engaged with ads and emails to remind them of your brand and what you can offer. Can you cross-sell or up-sell products to complement those they’ve already bought? 

Plus, email is a great way to keep providing helpful content that will further cement your relationship with existing customers. 

Key takeaways 

Thinking about the e-commerce digital marketing funnel will help you to organise your digital marketing activities and understand what your visitors need at each stage in order to convert with your brand. 

Mapping this out will help you to ensure success with your campaigns and make sure as many of your website visitors convert as possible. 

If you’d like to know more about the funnel and how it could help you grow your e-commerce business, why not book a 30-minute consultation call with one of our digital marketing experts? 

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Blog written by

Amy Ward