Keeping Up With Digital Marketing Trends: 4 Ideas For Your 2025 Strategy

To stay ahead of your competitors and maintain business growth, keeping up with the latest digital marketing trends is essential. Discover more about the trends you should look out for in 2025 in our blog.

When you’re looking to grow your business through an effective digital marketing strategy, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for businesses looking to maintain their competitive edge. 

Digital marketing is always changing, so making sure you know about the latest trends that can help you continue delivering results for your business will set you ahead of competitors in your industry and ensure you don’t get left behind. 

As 2025 quickly approaches, new trends are emerging that businesses like yours can use to enhance your digital presence, engage with your target audience, and drive growth. 

Here are four key ideas to incorporate into your digital marketing strategy for 2025. 

1. Embrace the power of AI and automation 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation have been game-changers in the digital marketing landscape, and their influence is set to grow even further in 2025. AI-powered tools can help you automate repetitive tasks, analyse large sets of data, and provide personalised experiences for customers. 

Worldwide, the AI market is set to show an annual growth rate of 28.76% between now and 2030 with a market share of over $826 billion. In addition, research shows that businesses using AI experienced a 50% increase in appointments and sales. AND were able to reduce lead acquisition costs by 40%-60%. 

You can see how powerful AI can be when it’s used within your sales and marketing functions. 

How can it help you? 

Increased efficiency 

Automation can save time and resources by handling tasks such as email marketing, posting on social media and even customer service through chatbots. 


AI can analyse customer behaviour and preferences, allowing for highly targeted marketing campaigns. Research from Salesforce shows that 52% of customers expect companies to understand their unique needs and expectations, but 66% say they’re usually treated as a number. 

Data-driven decisions 

AI tools can provide insights and analytics that help businesses make informed decisions. For example, predictive analytics can forecast future trends based on historical data, enabling proactive marketing strategies.

2. Leverage video content for maximum engagement

Video content continues to dominate the digital marketing world, and it’s importance is only growing. With platforms such as TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube seeing massive user engagement, businesses can no longer afford to ignore this powerful medium. 

By 2025, it is predicted that videos will account for 82% of all consumer internet traffic with video streaming making up 91% of global internet traffic. 

How can video content help you? 

High engagement rates 

Video content is more engaging and memorable than text-based content. It’s estimated that viewers retain 95% of a message when watching a video, compared to 10% when reading a written text. 


Videos can be used for various purposes, including product demonstrations, customer testimonials, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and educational content. 84% of consumers say they have been convinced to buy a product or service after watching a brand video. So, if you want to drive business growth in 2025, investing in video would be highly beneficial. 

SEO benefits 

Websites with video content are 53 times more likely to rank on the first page of the Google search results. 

3. Expand your presence on emerging social media platforms 

While platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter continue to be popular, emerging social media channels are gaining traction and offer new opportunities for reaching your target audience. Staying ahead of the curve by establishing a presence on these platforms (if it’s relevant to your business) can help you tap into new markets. 

How can it help you? 

Reach younger audiences 

Platforms like TikTok and Snapchat are particularly popular among younger demographics. Establishing a presence on these platforms can help you reach and engage with Gen Z and Millenials. 

Early adopter advantage

Being an early adopter of new platforms can give you a competitive edge and help you establish a strong presence before the platform becomes saturated. 

Diverse content formats 

Emerging platforms often offer unique content formats that can help you diversify your content strategy and engage with your audience in new ways. 

4. Invest in social commerce 

Social media platforms are no longer just for connecting with friends and family; they have become powerful commerce platforms. Social commerce involves selling products directly through social media platforms, allowing for a seamless shopping experience. It’s expected that global social commerce sales are expected to reach $1.2 trillion by 2025, driven by a growing number of businesses leveraging these platforms. 

How can it help you? 

Direct sales channel 

Social commerce provides a direct path to purchase, reducing friction in the buying process. Platforms such as Instagram and Facebook now offer features like shoppable posts and in-app checkout. 

Enhanced customer engagement 

Social media allows for real-time interaction with customers, fostering stronger relationships and brand loyalty. 

Targeted advertising 

Social media platforms offer advanced targeting options, enabling businesses to reach their ideal audience more effectively. 48% of social media users have bought something after seeing an ad, but this number increases to 53% for millennials and 56% for women. As a result, if you sell your products or services online, social commerce is definitely something you should be investing in.  

Key takeaways 

As we look towards 2025, embracing these trends can provide significant advantages for your business. By integrating AI and personalisation, video content and social media, you can position your business for success. 

To help you ensure that your digital marketing strategy is optimised for the future, we’d like to offer you a free digital marketing audit from our expert team. We’ll provide valuable insights into your current efforts and identify opportunities for growth and improvement. Stay ahead of the competition and make 2025 your most successful year yet. 

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Blog written by

Amy Ward